How does one make a good spin?
To make a good spin, it is not enough to replace words with synonyms. This step helps to complicate the text, but is only one “mechanical” element of the process.
We easily recognize several texts issued from one matrix when the master spin is poor, only based on replaced synonyms.
To make a good spin, one must “break” and change the structure of the texts.
This is what is called a matrix spin, the same principle behind the so-called “Rule of the three 3″: 3 items – for each item, three versions of each paragraph – for each paragraph, 3 versions of each sentence…
Without pushing formalism to this point, it is absolutely necessary to vary the structure when you want to generate a significant number of texts.
This is done through optional sentences and paragraphs (we write more to avoid placing everything systematically), reversed sentences or paragraphs (1, 2; then 2, 1), tags between words aso.
This can be improved by mixing with extracts from databases, RSS feeds, model sentences…
With the tool that does well, we aren’t only able to spin, but morph, or do polymorphic spinning.